Effects of different amendments on chemical speciation and uptake by winter wheat in slightly alkaline soil contaminated by Cadmium
ZHU Li-nan1, HUA Dang-ling1, YANG Jin-kang1, YANG Qiu-yun2, REN Shuai-shuai1, ZHANG Jing-jing1
1. College of Resources and Environment, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450000, China; 2. College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450000, China
Abstract:The effects of a single application of three amendments (superphosphate, lime, and silicon-calcium-magnesium fertilizer) on chemical speciation of cadmium in soils and the uptake of cadmium in different organs of wheat plants were studied to provide a theoretical reference for the safe utilization of Cd contaminated slightly alkaline soils. Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the fraction transformation of soil Cd and cadmium content of the extracted state of diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) in the mature stage of wheat. The results showed that superphosphate significantly decreased soil pH, while lime and silicon-calcium- magnesium fertilizer increased soil pH. All three amendments could significantly reduce soil cadmium content of the extracted state of diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA), and the biggest decline (73.60%) occurred in the silicon-calcium-magnesium (3%) fertilizer treatment. The treatment of adding silicon-calcium-magnesium fertilizer could significantly reduce the exchangeable Cd and increase the residual Cd content. The treatment of silicon-calcium-magnesium fertilizer (3%) had the best effect of the decrease of soil exchangeable Cd content by 63.30% and the increase of residual Cd content by 56.20%. All three amendments effectively reduced the content of Cd in above-ground and below-ground parts of wheat plants, while the treatment of silicon-calcium- magnesium fertilizer had the best effect. The treatment of silicon-calcium-magnesium fertilizer (1.2%) had the best effect of the decrease of Cd content in wheat grains by 90.85%. An extremely negative and significant correlation was found between soil pH value and soil cadmium content of DTPA, while Cd content of soil DTPA extract state was positively correlated with Cd content in wheat organs. Therefore, the application of three amendments (superphosphate, lime, and silicon-calcium-magnesium fertilizer) could reduce the bioavailability of Cd in soil and Cd content in different organs of wheat plants to various degrees, and alleviate the stress effect of Cd toxic action on plants. With the same dose, silicon-calcium-magnesium fertilizer had the best effect on reducing cadmium content in wheat organs among three amendments.
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ZHU Li-nan, HUA Dang-ling, YANG Jin-kang, YANG Qiu-yun, REN Shuai-shuai, ZHANG Jing-jing. Effects of different amendments on chemical speciation and uptake by winter wheat in slightly alkaline soil contaminated by Cadmium. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(8): 3559-3566.
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