Abstract:In order to establish the classification thresholds of cadmium content in the soil in the leafy vegetable production area in China, first the effects of vegetable types and soil physical and chemical properties on bioconcentration factor (BCF) was investigated. Then, the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) method was applied to develop the thresholds based on the routine monitoring data from the main vegetable production areas provided by the Agro-Environmental Monitoring Center of China. Results showed that the accumulation of cadmium in leafy vegetables were extremely and significantly influenced by soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and soil organic matter (SOM) (P<0.01). A three-factor bioavailability model was established as lg(BCF)=-0.122pH+0.025lgSOM- 0.048lgCEC+1.252(R2=0.746,P<0.01,n=134). The fitted model could explain 74.6% of the total variation in leaf vegetable enrichment. The model was then used to normalize BCF of leaf vegetable cadmium under different soil physical and chemical properties to minimize the influence of soil physical and chemical properties on cadmium accumulation, and to highlight the inherent sensitivity of leaf vegetable. The SSD curve was constructed by a log-logistic fitting function which was based on the normalized BCF. The results showed that the sensitivity of different leafy vegetables to cadmium was significant. Based on the protection rate of 80% (priority protection), 50% (safe use), and 5% (strictly control) for leafy vegetables, we derived the cadmium thresholds from SSD curves for these three categories: soil pH≤6.5, 6.5
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