Comprehensive evaluation of the impact of artificial island airport reclamation construction on marine eco-environment
SONG Nan-qi, HUANG Jie, LI Bin-yong, WANG Quan-ming, Ma Yu, Huang Xiao-lu
1. Institute of Integrated Ocean Governance, National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian 116023, China; 2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Environment Restoration, Dalian 116023, China
Abstract:It is difficult to quantify the environmental impact of large artificial island airport reclamation projects. Taking an artificial island airport reclamation project in China as an example, an environmental impact assessment model considering spatial change and dynamic change of construction period was established based on GIS, from the “ecological response” and “habitat quality” of marine ecosystem. According to the eco-environment of the construction sea area, the grades, standards and weights of the evaluation indicators were determined, so the impact of the artificial island airport reclamation on the eco-environment was evaluated. The results showed that, the comprehensive impact on the marine eco-environment was 0.38, indicating that the project had caused a serious impact on the environment. In terms of spatial distribution, the seriously affected areas were mainly concentrated in the sea area near the artificial island, accounting for 54% of the study area. The impact of the artificial island airport reclamation construction on the marine ecological environment was characterized by the substantial reduction of benthic and swimming biomass. This should be given enough attention to in the formulation of environmental protection during construction and ecological restoration after construction.
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SONG Nan-qi, HUANG Jie, LI Bin-yong, WANG Quan-ming, Ma Yu, Huang Xiao-lu. Comprehensive evaluation of the impact of artificial island airport reclamation construction on marine eco-environment. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(8): 3703-3712.
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