1. College of Engineering, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou 350108, China; 2. College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China; 3. CSCEC Strait Construction and Development Co, Ltd, Fuzhou 350015, China; 4. School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
Abstract:To measure the ground vibration under four conditions, the environmental vibration, metro passing alone, heavy-duty vehicles passing alone, metro and heavy-duty vehicles passing jointly, a representative Class II field with the overlapping section of metro and ground traffic was selected in a certain city, and the degree of Z-direction vibration and the 1/3 octave spectrum were used to analyze the field vibration data. A simplified numerical model was established and compared with the measured results to evaluate impacts of environmental vibration along the road line. The results show that the simplified model generally met the engineering requirements. The environmental vibration caused by metro and heavy-duty vehicles decreased rapidly at first, and then gently with the increase of horizontal distance away from the road centerline. A vibration magnification zone was observed about 30meters away from the road centerline under metro passing. The ground vibration possessed the stable dominant frequency around 50~60Hz under conditions of metro passing alone, when heavy-duty vehicles passed alone, the dominant frequency became was 16Hz. While an unstable dominant frequency of about 16~80Hz was observed under the condition of metro and heavy-duty vehicles passing jointly, which was in line with the dominant position of traffic types. The influence of metro and heavy-duty vehicle passing could be ignored when the horizontal distance was more than 60meters. The same observation could be extended to the situation when the vibration frequency was lower than 1Hz. These research results could provide engineering reference and guidance to theoretical prediction for metro and ground traffic route selection, design, and vibration control.
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