Abstract:The environmental protection constraint targets were collected from the reports on the work of 283prefecture-level governments in China from 2003to 2017, and the effects of different environmental constraint targets on economic growth were examined systematically. Both the environmental governance was strengthened by government and economic growth dividends were released, which were attributed to the direct constraints on industrial pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2). The polluting enterprises were not encouraged by the indirect constraints on days of good air quality and PM2.5 to transform, and the economic growth was faced with a slowdown. A positive economic effect was made by no environmental constraint at a cost of environmental pollution however. The intermediate mechanism test reveals that industrial structure and environmental governance were the main channels through which environmental constraints affected economic growth. In terms of the characteristics of environmental protection constraints, the economic growth was restrained by the amplification of constraint targets while setting a pollutant emission reduction interval was more conducive to economic growth. In the aspect of the coordination between economy and environment, making constraints on environmental pollutants promoted economic and environment to develop coordinately, and no environmental constraint was not beneficial for economic growth and environmental protection. Local governments should adjust the environmental protection constraint targets gradually on the basis of specific pollutant emission goals.
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