1. School of Environmental Science and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China;
2. Xuzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Xuzhou 221000, China
The concentrations of heavy metals (As, Cr, Cd, Pb and Cu) were investigated in dust of northern suburb of Xuzhou, China, during the third to fourth season, to analyze the contamination level, ecological risk and health risk due to the atmospheric deposition. The deposition flux of Pb (1.49mg/(m2·month)) was the highest and that of Cd (9.23μg/(m2·month)) was the lowest, The concentrations of five heavy metals were all higher than the local soil background values, but lower than the values regulated by corresponding Chinese National Standard. The deposition fluxes of Cu (1.21mg/(m2·month)) and Cr (0.96mg/(m2·month)) in atmospheric deposition were slightly higher than those of other industrial cities, while Cd (9.23μg/(m2·month)) was relatively lower. Cu indicated the strongest spatial variation, which was 110.05%. The geo-accumulated index of five heavy metals followed the order:Cu > Pb > Cd > As > Cr in the third season, while Pb > Cu > Cd > As > Cr in the fourth season. Cu, Cd and Pb were between moderate and very high pollution level, As was between slight and moderate level, and Cr was classified as slightly uncontaminated. Generally, all of heavy metals at 10 sampling sites had minor ecological hazard, and especially As in dust had both non-carcinogenic risk through hand-mouth intake and carcinogenic risk to children.
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