Determination of the heavy metal leaching mechanism from the sludge by acidophilic bacteria
JIANG Tao1, XIA Jing2, TIAN Yong-jing1,3, ZHAO Wei1, SUN Tian-tian1
1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China;
2. CCDI(Suzhou) Exploration & Design Consultant CO. LTD, Suzhou 215009, China;
3. National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Municipal Sewage Resource Utilization Technology, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China
In order to determine the biological leaching mechanism of mixed strains, three biological leaching-experiments, i.e., adding leaching mixed strains + substrates (ferrous ammonium sulfate, sulfur powder), addingsubstrates alone andsulfuric acid alone were conducted to estimate the contribution from direct oxidation(F11), chemical oxidation (F12) and acid leaching (F13). These experiments were tested for the excess activated sludge to evaluate the leaching of Cu and Zn. Results show that for the leaching of Cu, the contribution rates of F11, F12, and F13 were 92.55%, 7.45%, and 0% respectively, indicating that the primary role of the direct mechanism. For the leaching of Zn, the contribution rates of F11, F12, and F13 were 18.86%, 44.35%, 36.79%respectively, indicating the dominate role of an indirect mechanism. This method can determine the biological leaching mechanism of heavy metals under actual environmental conditions, and provide theoretical basis for related research and practical applications.
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JIANG Tao, XIA Jing, TIAN Yong-jing, ZHAO Wei, SUN Tian-tian. Determination of the heavy metal leaching mechanism from the sludge by acidophilic bacteria. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(6): 2529-2536.
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