Emission inventory of atmospheric pollutants replaced by “coal-to-electricity” policy in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
LI Peng1, WU Hua-cheng1, ZHOU Wei-qing1, ZHANG Zi-jian2, WANG Mei-shun3, ZHANG Ru-ting4, LIU Song-tao4, CHEN Chuan-min4
1. Jibei Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co., Ltd., North China Electric Power Research Institute Company Limited, Beijing 100045, China; 2. State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co., Ltd., Beijing 100054, China; 3. State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100031, China; 4. Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
Abstract:A residential coal consumption estimation model was established based on artificial neural network, an emission inventory of air pollutants from the coal-to-electricity policy, a residential coal replacement program, in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region was obtained. The results showed that there had been 2.59 million households that replaced coal with electricity in the BTH region by the end of 2018, which reduced about 7.07 million tons of residential coal, and reduced the emissions of PM2.5、NOx、SO2 by 28092, 7647 and 21743 tons respectively according to our model. Beijing and Tianjin had achieved more substantial effects and accounted for 62.01% and 22.82% of the total fuel source switch from coal to electricity in the BTH region. Based on the survey data, this study also established the monthly distribution coefficient of coal consumption in BTH cities, and found that the January consumption was largest, which accounted for 27%~40% of the total annual coal consumption.
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