Abstract:The method of emission factor based on ship activity was employed to estimate the ship emission inventory for ships' visiting Xiamen Port in 2018. Based on the emission data, the external cost assessment tool was used to assess the port's eco-efficiency from the environmental and social aspects. The results showed that:the total emissions of SOx, NOx, HC, CO, PM2.5, PM10 and CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) emitted by ships in Xiamen Port in 2018 were about 3222, 11977, 490, 1118, 411, 542 and 710374t, respectively; The container ship was the largest contribution ship type; The main engine emitted the biggest percentage of gas emissions; For different operating modes, the cruising mode emitted the largest amount of pollutant gases and the hotelling mode (including hotelling-anchorage and hotelling-berth) was the largest emitter for greenhouse gas emission; For the monthly emission of ships, the emissions from August to December were larger. Moreover, the total external cost of ship emissions was about 1.995 billion yuan (about 7.6% of port annual revenue), of which the external costs of NOx, PM10 and SOx were relatively high. The assessment of eco-efficiency in Xiamen port reflected the impacts of port operation on the environment and society. The use of low sulfur oil and shore power by ships can reduce ship emissions and improve the eco-efficiency of the port.
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