Analysis of an episode of a black storm moving eastward from Xinjiang based on multi-source data and model simulation
HUANG Guan1,2, GUO Zi-jia1, ZHOU Ya-man4, SU Xiao-lan3, LIU Xin1, CHEN Yong-hang1, ZHOU Hai-jiang1, YANG Lin-pei1
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China; 2. Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, China; 3. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Meteorological Service Center, Urumqi 830002, China; 4. Xinjiang Meteorological Observatory, Urumqi 830002, China
Abstract:Multi-Source monitoring data from satellite remote sensing, environmental monitoring and meteorological observation were comprehensively used to analyze the generation source, path and development process of a black storm in Xinjiang in April 2015 combining backward trajectory model. The results show that the pollutants at different heights during the black storm mainly from Xinjiang and its west of the Central Asia region along with the airflow, entered the northern Xinjiang accompanied by the southwest airflow almost at the same time, piled up along the Tianshan Mountains and then crossed the mountains into southern Xinjiang. Meanwhile, four typical cities (Urumqi, Hohhot, Lanzhou and Beijing) affected by the east transport of pollutants from the black storm were selected to analyze the influence of large amounts of dust aerosols on major meteorological parameters during the eastward transport of the black storm using regional climate model (RegCM4.6).The results show that the AOD for the four typical cities affected by the black storm's eastward transport during April 25~29 all increased, and the simulated pollution level was close to the actual. For the temperature response of the dusts at 2m near the surface, Beijing was the most visible, up to -1.68℃, while was not obvious at Urumqi, where the temperature near the ground during the dust episode decreased by 0.1℃ at the highest compared with that without dusts. When AOD reaches its maximum value, the temperature response of Hohhot and Lanzhou is -0.4℃ and -0.8℃ respectively. During the black strom episode, the maximum relative humidity response in Urumqi, Hohhot and Lanzhou was -3.3%, -7.3% and -4.7%, respectively, while the relative humidity in Beijing increased by about 10% compared with that without dusts when the AOD reached its maximum value on 29th.
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HUANG Guan, GUO Zi-jia, ZHOU Ya-man, SU Xiao-lan, LIU Xin, CHEN Yong-hang, ZHOU Hai-jiang, YANG Lin-pei. Analysis of an episode of a black storm moving eastward from Xinjiang based on multi-source data and model simulation. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(4): 1530-1539.
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