Abstract:Based on the monitoring data of particulate matter mass concentration, the spatial-temporal variation and emission characteristics of atmospheric particulate matter concentration were analyzed across the Gansu Province for the time period of 2018~2019, with a focus of the transport path of particulate matter using the HYSPLIT backward trajectory model. The results suggested that:Different spatial distribution of PM10 and PM2.5 were shown across the Gansu Province with a significant regional dependency. The peak value of PM10 concentration was located at the Hexi Corridor area, with a strong step-decreasing from north to south. While, the high value center of PM2.5 concentration was observed over Longzhong region, which experienced a extending decreasing to the north and south. Furthermore, Longnan region was identified as the noticeable clean area of particulate matter across the Gansu Province. Significant discrepancies were found in the seasonal variation of PM10/PM2.5 concentrations among different regions. The similar seasonal patterns of PM10/PM2.5 concentration were found over central Gansu, eastern Gansu and southern Gansu, with the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 both peaking in winter (winter) but plunging in summer (autumn) at Longzhong and Longdong (Longnan). However, different seasonal variations of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were found over Hexi Corridor, where PM2.5 was found to be experiencing high concentration in winter and low in summer, but high concentration of PM10 was shown in spring and low in summer. The backward trajectory clustering results showed that the Gansu province was strongly governed by the west air current which come from central Asia and Xinjiang, especially in spring and winter time. This path is considered to be a typical dust transport pathway across the Gansu Province when considering the higher concentration of PM10 than others, with which affecting. the four regions in the order of Hexi > Longzhong > Longdong > Longnan. The eastern path from Shanxi, Sichuan & Chongqing with PM2.5/PM10 ratio over 0.5which is significantly higher than the western one was deemed to be the dominant transmission path in Longnan area, which indicated that the contribution of man-made source pollution along the eastern path is significant. The results of this study can serve as a scientific reference for comprehensively understanding the characteristics of particulate pollution in the Gansu Province, formulating regional particulate pollution prevention and regional cooperative governance policies.
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