Analysis of transportation path and potential sources of atmospheric particulate matter over Gansu Province in spring and winter—Based on HYSPLIT4model and TraPSA analysis platform
ZHANG Qian1, PANG Ke1, MA Cai-yun1, CHENG Heng-rui1, MA Ming-yue2, KONG Xiang-ru1, PAN Feng1
1. College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2. Sinopec Yanshan Petrochemical Company, Beijing 102400, China
Abstract:The hour-by-hour 72-h air mass back-trajectories of five stations in Gansu province from 2017 to 2018 were calculated using the HYSPLIT4 model and the global data assimilation system. The trajectory clustering method was used to analyze the trajectory characteristics of the backward airflow in Gansu province by combining the time-to-time mass concentration data of particulate matter at each station in spring and winter when the particulate matter pollution was most severe. Based on the analysis method of potential source contribution function (PSCF) and the concentration weighted trajectory (CWT), the result of each station was weighted overlay analyzed using the TraPSA analysis platform, and the potential source areas and their contributions to the mass concentration of particulate matter over Gansu in spring and winter were discussed. The northwest path was the primary path affecting the Gansu province with its rapid movement, long transport distance and severe pollution level; the northeastern path was the next most important with Mongolia and Inner Mongolia being the main sources; southern Gansu was heavily influenced by short-range transportation from the southeastern path and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; the transportation distance and height of air mass over Gansu province was longer and higher in spring than in winter, and the mean PM2.5concentration and the ratio of PM2.5/PM10 were both higher in winter than in summer. The PSCF analysis over multi-sites found that the potential contribution source areas of PM10 in spring were mainly distributed in the eastern Xinjiang, Junggar Basin, northeastern Tarim Basin and northwestern Qinghai, with scattered distribution in southern Mongolia, northern Sichuan, northwestern and eastern Qinghai; while in winter it was mainly located in eastern Xinjiang and the Tarim Basin, northwestern and eastern Qinghai, and southern Shanxi; the source area in general shifted southwards in winter and the short-range transportation within the province intensified. The CWT analysis over multi-sites showed that the main contribution areas of PM10concentration in spring were located in the eastern Xinjiang, the Junggar Basin, with linear distribution in southern Mongolia and northern Inner Mongolia and scattered distribution in northern Qinghai and northern Gansu; in winter, it was mainly located in the eastern Xinjiang and northern Gansu; the main contribution area of PM10 was larger and more polluted in spring than in winter, but the short-range transportation and the degree of particulate matter pollution within the province were weakened.
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ZHANG Qian, PANG Ke, MA Cai-yun, CHENG Heng-rui, MA Ming-yue, KONG Xiang-ru, PAN Feng. Analysis of transportation path and potential sources of atmospheric particulate matter over Gansu Province in spring and winter—Based on HYSPLIT4model and TraPSA analysis platform. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(2): 509-518.
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