1. Beijing Capital Air Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100176, China; 2. State Environmental Protection Key laboratory of Urban Ambient Air Particulate Matter Pollution and Control, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
Abstract:As an important online source apportionment method, apportioning particle matter (PM) sources using single particle mass spectrometry (SPAMS) can't obtain the source contributions based on mass concentration. To solve this problem, a new online source apportionment method ArtPMF is proposed in this work. PM were collected and analyzed by SPAMS from February to March 2021 in an industrial city in Huaihe plain. The ArtPMF model was employed on the SPAMS dataset to quantify the source contributions to PM2.5. During the observational period, PM2.5 was contributed by secondary source, industrial source, vehicle exhaust source, coal combustion, crustal dust, biomass burning, and firework source, with contributions of 23%, 22%, 20%, 12%, 10%, 6%, and 6% respectively. The directional distributions of coal combustion, biomass burning, firework source, industrial source and vehicle exhaust source contribution are consistent with the actual situation of industrial enterprises and functional zoning, conforming that the ArtPMF can provide reliable source apportionment supporting for pollution control.
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