Analysis of transport pathways and potential source regions of PM10 in the eastern Pamirs
LI Han-lin1,2, HE Qing2, LIU Xin-chun2, ZHAO Quan-wei1,2
1. College of Resources & Environment Sciences, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;
2. Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, China
Both HYSPLIT backward trajectory model and Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) meteorological data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) were used to analyze the 48h backward trajectories of hourly airflow in the eastern Pamirs from March, 2019 to February, 2020. The clustering analysis was used to classify the airflow backward trajectories in different seasons. The annual mean values of surface PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were (29.4±16.4) and (9.3±5.1) μg/m3, respectively, indicating that PM10 was the main particulate matters over the eastern Pamirs. Therefore, the hourly observation data of PM10 concentrations were also used to analyze the spatial characteristics of different transport pathways and its contribution to the surface PM10 concentrations in the eastern Pamirs. Potential source contribution function (PSCF) and concentration-weighted trajectory (CWT) were applied to identify the potential source regions and contribution of PM10 in different seasons to the eastern Pamirs during the study period. Seasonal variations of PM10 transport pathways in the eastern Pamirs were obvious. The westerly airflows from Central Asia carried high concentrations of PM10 in spring, while the airflows from west Xinjiang brought high concentrations of PM10 in summer, and the both airflows made the equal concentration of PM10 in autumn, while the airflows from South Asia took along higher concentrations of PM10 in winter. Furthermore, the potential source regions of PM10 were mainly located in west Xinjiang, northeast Afghanistan, northeast Pakistan, central and east Tajikistan in spring, in Kashgar and north Hotan in west Xinjiang in summer, in east Turkmenistan, southeast Uzbekistan, north Pakistan, and north Afghanistan bordering south Tajikistan areas in autumn, and in northeast Pakistan, north India and north Afghanistan in winter.
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LI Han-lin, HE Qing, LIU Xin-chun, ZHAO Quan-wei. Analysis of transport pathways and potential source regions of PM10 in the eastern Pamirs. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(11): 4660-4668.
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