Abstract:Based on the in-situ observed remote sensing reflectance (Rrs), SPM and chlorophyll a concentration in this area from 2013 to 2021, here a regional SPM retrieval model was developed specifically for the Sentinel-3 OLCI image. The results showed that the typical empirical models commonly used in the previous literatures were not applicable to the Qinhuangdao coastal waters, here three wavebands of 490, 620 and 708.75nm are used as the sensitive ones for retrieval of SPM concentration, and the waveband of 560nm was used as the reference one, a four-band retrieval model of SPM concentration (R2=0.69, MAPE=24.79%, RMSE=2.82mg/L) was established. The accuracy of SPM concentration remote sensing product was tested from July 24, 2021, and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) between the observed and the retrieval values reached 13.24%. The four-band model was then applied to the Sentinel-3 OLCI images of Qinhuangdao coastal waters from January to December 2021, and the monthly average SPM concentration are obtained and analyzed. It was found that the SPM concentration in this area displays obvious temporal and spatial variation characteristics, generally high in coastal waters and low in offshore waters, high in autumn-winter and low in spring-summer. The annual averaged SPM concentration was decreasing year by year from 2018 to 2021, and the water was becoming clearer and clearer.
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