Abstract:To understand effects and mechanisms of different Zinc (Zn) application rates (0, 50, 500, 1500 and 5000mg/kg) on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from farmland soils under different nitrogen fertilizers (manure and urea), an 80-day simulating incubation experiment was conducted, and urea was added again to all treatments on the day 52 of incubation to explore its long-term effects. The results showed that Zn addition significantly reduced N2O emissions in urea-fertilized soil while enhanced N2O emissions in manure-amended soil in the first fertilization stage (P<0.05) except for the experiment of 50mg/kg Zn with manure which had no significant effect on N2O emissions (P>0.05). In the second fertilization stage, the effects of Zn on N2O emissions were consistent under different nitrogen fertilizers:50mg/kg Zn had no significant effects (P>0.05), 500 and 1500mg/kg Zn significantly promoted N2O emissions, while 5000mg/kg Zn had the opposite effect (P<0.05). At this stage, the ratios of cumulative N2O emissions from the 500, 1500 and 5000mg/kg treatments to the corresponding control were 3.49, 3.13, 0.01 for manure treatments and 2.53, 2.74, 0.04 for urea treatment, respectively, indicating that the effect of Zn was much stronger in manure-amended treatments. The promotion mechanism of 500 and 1500mg/kg Zn could be the Zn-induced increase in the soil NH4+-N and NO3--N contents as well as the abundance ratio of nirS to nosZ, and its control on the genes that are responsible for N2O production and reduction in the denitrification process. Moreover, the 5000mg/kg Zn might impede the transformation progress of NH4+-N to NO3--N in soil, thus reduced N2O emissions.
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