Abstract:To identify the influencing factors and decision-making mechanism of residents' classification behavior in small-medium cities, this paper constructed a waste classification behavior decision model, and made Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province as an example, using structural equation model fitting and modification, analyzed the subjective and objective factors that influence classification behavior of small-medium cities' residents, and compared with related research in big cities. The results showed that, the waste classification participation rate of Zhangjiagang reached 95%, higher than the first and second-tier cities. For residents in Zhangjiagang, "Behavioral Intention" was the most significant factor, followed by "Environmental Awareness" and "Social Influence"; the signification of "Economic Return" and "Regulatory Impact" was low, and had not yet played their due incentive; the influence of "Classification Knowledge Mastery" and "Time Spent" was not significant. In general, subjective consciousness with sensitivity coefficient of 0.629 was still the dominant factor influencing residents' classification behavior in small-medium cities, However, in the context of mandatory classification, with the improvement of the classification facilities, the promulgation of laws and regulations and the strengthening of community control, the influence of subjective factors on residents' classification behavior weakened. While the objective environment factor had more significant observed variables, which gradually increased its influence, and could be an effective point for government to formulate management policies.
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