Abstract:This paper investigates and reviews the damage, pollution and hazards of mine lands, and then introduces the physical restoration, chemical restoration and phytoremediation technologies for mine lands in detail, as well as the in-situ treatment technology for acid mine drainage (AMD) in sulfur-bearing mines. The advantages and disadvantages as well as the application scenarios of these technologies are also investigated. From this, the basis for the selection of ecological restoration technologies for mine lands is summarized. That is, after the application of a series of technologies to eliminate pollution, the vegetation should be planted for the restoration and improvement of topsoil. It is pointed out that providing sufficient suitable covering matrix is the key to mine land ecosystem restoration. It is further proposed that the sludge stabilization products have huge potential for replacing foreign soils, preventing the generation of AMD, eliminating heavy metal pollution from mines, providing nutrients necessary for plant growth, and strengthening the water and fertilizer retention of mine lands. Moreover, the application of sludge stabilization products in the current rehabilitation of mine areas in China is sustainable in the long run. Therefore, sludge stabilization products have huge potential and advantages in the ecological remediation applications of mine lands.
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