Online source apportionment of PM2.5 during winter at urban site in Shenzhen
LIN Chu-xiong1, YAO Pei-ting2, PENG Xing2, GU Tian-fa1, SUN Tian-le1, YUN Long1, HE Ling-yan2, HUANG Xiao-feng2
1. Shenzhen Environmental Monitoring Center of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518049, China; 2. Laboratory of Atmospheric Observation Supersite, School of Environment and Energy, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China
Abstract:This work conducted high time resolution observations of PM2.5 and its chemical composition during December 27th in 2020 to January 31th in 2021 in Shenzhen using a hybrid synchronous mixing real-time environmental particulate matter monitor, aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM), aethalometer, and automated multi-metals monitor. During the observational period, the average concentrations of PM2.5 was 32.2 ±17.0μg/m3. Organic matter was the most abundant component of PM2.5, with average concentration of 15.4±9.5μg/m3, followed by NO3-(4.3±3.9μg/m3), SO42-(3.8±2.1μg/m3), BC (2.7±1.6μg/m3), NH4+(2.5±1.7μg/m3), and elements (1.9±1.2μg/m3). The mass spectra information (m/z 44) obtained from ACSM, as the tracer of the secondary organic aerosol (SOA), was introduced into PMF (Positive Matrix Factorization) model to identify SOA. PMF results showed that PM2.5 during winter in Shenzhen was dominated by SOA, vehicle emissions, secondary nitrate, secondary sulfate, biomass burning, and fugitive dust, which were accounting for 23.8%, 21.7%, 15.3%, 15.2%, 8.2%, and 5.7% of PM2.5 mass concentrations, respectively. In addition, ship emissions, industrial emissions, and coal combustion had relatively small contributions, ranging from 1.6% to 3.3% of PM2.5. The diurnal variations of each source and the potential source area were analyzed and found that local emissions played an important role for SOA, secondary nitrate, vehicle emissions, fugitive dust, and industrial emissions, while regional transmission played an important role for secondary sulfate, biomass burning, coal combustion, and ship emissions. The findings in this work highlight that further decreasing PM2.5 level in Shenzhen needs to control the local emissions (e.g. vehicle emissions, fugitive dust, industrial emissions) and joint prevent coal combustion, biomass burning, and ship emissions.
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LIN Chu-xiong, YAO Pei-ting, PENG Xing, GU Tian-fa, SUN Tian-le, YUN Long, HE Ling-yan, HUANG Xiao-feng. Online source apportionment of PM2.5 during winter at urban site in Shenzhen. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(2): 506-513.
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