Evaluation for impact on PM2.5 pollution and healthy benefits of rural scattered coal replacement-a case study of Henan Province
YU Miao1,2, MA Qiu-hong3, ZHU Ming-yue1,2, ZHANG Jing-wang1,2, WANG Ke2,4, XU Qi-xiang2,4, ZHANG Rui-qin2,4
1. College of Chemistry, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 2. Research Institute of Environmental Science, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 3. Xiangcheng Branch of Zhoukou Ecological Environment Bureau, Zhoukou 466000, China; 4. School of Ecology and Environment, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract:The emission reduction by scattered coal replacement in the January of 2025 was predicted with a noble county-level optimization model, which was based on the air pollutant emissions inventory of rural coal combustion of Henan in 2016. Two scenarios were set to evaluate the emission reduction potentials of rural scattered coal replacement, including Business As Usual (BAU) and Scattered Coal Treatment (SCT) scenarios. The resulting air quality improvement and healthy benefits to public caused by rural scattered coal replacement were quantified by air quality model (WRF-CMAQ) and the Poisson regression model. Combination of the envelope structure renovation and heating equipment was the most suitable heating technology for rural households in Henan Province. In comparison to the BAU scenario, the emission intensity of SO2, NOx, CO, PM10, PM2.5, VOCs and NH3 in January 2025 from rural residential combustion in Henan Province were decreased by 98.3%, 82.6%, 99.8%, 99.2%, and 99.2% in the SCT scenario. Compared with BAU scenario, monthly average PM2.5 concentration in January 2025 of the SCT scenario could be reduced for 4.1μg/m3, which could prevent totally 220 premature deaths and economic loss of 2.35 billion RMB.
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