Ecological security pattern construction in Lijiang River basin based on MCR model
YANG Shuai-qi1, HE Wen2, WANG Jin-ye1,3, LI He-ying1, YAO Yue-feng2
1. College of Tourism & Landscape Architecture, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541006, China; 2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China; 3. Nanning College of Technology, Nanning 543000, China
Abstract:The construction of ecological safety network system plays a critical role in ecological protection and restoration for people's welfare and national security. In order to construct a better ecological security pattern, we took the Lijiang River basin with typical karst landforms as a research example, to extract ecological source sites with landscape ecological risk and connectivity indices, to identify and grade the potential ecological corridors and nodes with the minimum cumulative resistance and gravity models, and finally to construct the regional ecological security pattern in a coordinated way the conservation of Mountains-Rivers-Forests-Farmlands-Lakes-Grasslands-Deserts ecosystem. The results showed that: (1) The ecological risk of the Lijiang River basin was characterized as high in the center and south, and low in the east and north. The high and higher risk areas accounted 43.34% of the total watershed area. (2) There were five ecological source areas, mainly located in forests and nature reserves, accounting for 28.99% (1689.05km2) of the total watershed area. (3) Six potential ecological corridors and 38 potential ecological nodes were identified, which were concentrated in the vicinity of Lingtian town. (4) The Lijiang River basin was constructed as a protective pattern of ecological conservation, restoration, control, and corridor construction. In addition, more ecological compensation funds and techniques should be supported to Lingchuan and Xingan counties in order to ensure the successful construction of the corridor. We hope this study could provide scientific knowledge for improving the ecosystem function of the Lijiang River basin and the successful implementation of national land use plan.
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YANG Shuai-qi, HE Wen, WANG Jin-ye, LI He-ying, YAO Yue-feng. Ecological security pattern construction in Lijiang River basin based on MCR model. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(4): 1824-1833.
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