Research on the application of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation genes and their recombinant bacteria
CHANG Xiao-yu, JI Lei, HUANG Yu-jie, SONG Fan-yong, WANG Jia-ning
Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Ecology Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences, Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan 250103, China
Abstract:Petroleum hydrocarbon pollution is currently a serious environmental problem. Microbial remediation is an effective means of remediating petroleum hydrocarbon contamination at this stage. Microorganisms are able to degrade petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants through a series of enzymes encoded by degradation genes. Therefore, the study of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation genes can not only clarify the degradation mechanism but also provide a theoretical basis for the construction of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation genetic engineering bacteria. This paper summarized the functional genes and key enzyme species for petroleum hydrocarbon degradation, focused on the metabolic pathways of long-chain alkanes and their degradation genes. The current strategies for the construction of petroleum hydrocarbon degrading genetically engineered bacteria are summarized, the problems and shortcomings of the existing studies are outlined, and the future prospects for the use of genetic engineering technology to improve the remediation efficiency of petroleum pollution are presented.
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CHANG Xiao-yu, JI Lei, HUANG Yu-jie, SONG Fan-yong, WANG Jia-ning. Research on the application of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation genes and their recombinant bacteria. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(8): 4305-4315.
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