Comparison of methods for the detection of petroleum hydrocarbon fractions and analysis of degradation kinetics
LIANG Qing-xia, WANG Jia-ning, ZHOU Fang-yuan, HUANG Yu-jie, HUO Qian-wei, CHEN Guan-hong
Ecology Institute, Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences), Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Jinan 250103, China
Abstract:Gravimetry, ultraviolet spectrophotometry and gas chromatography were used to detect and analyze the components of the original soil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and the soil bioremediated by petroleum hydrocarbon degrading bacteria. By comparison, it is found that gas chromatography has high sensitivity and accuracy, and is more stable as a method to determine petroleum hydrocarbon content in contaminated soil. By combining the utilization of each component of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants by microorganisms, it showed that this method could effectively reflect the microbial decline. The degradation kinetics of petroleum hydrocarbons in the contaminated soil was studied. The results showed that the degradation rate of petroleum hydrocarbons in the contaminated soil was consistent with the second-order kinetic model. The correlation coefficient of the kinetic equation reached about 0.942, and the half-life of the bactericide was 29d, which was consistent with the degradation trend observed in the experiment.
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LIANG Qing-xia, WANG Jia-ning, ZHOU Fang-yuan, HUANG Yu-jie, HUO Qian-wei, CHEN Guan-hong. Comparison of methods for the detection of petroleum hydrocarbon fractions and analysis of degradation kinetics. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(8): 4194-4201.
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