中国环境科学  2023, Vol. 43 Issue (11): 5974-5986    DOI:
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梁玉琦1,2, 危小建1,2,3, 江平4, 蔡进1,2, 谢名睿1,2
1. 东华理工大学, 自然资源部环鄱阳湖区域矿山环境监测与治理重点实验室, 江西 南昌 330013;
2. 东华理工大学测绘与空间信息工程学院, 江西 南昌 330013;
3. 江西省测绘地理信息工程技术研究中心, 江西 南昌 330025;
4. 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院, 湖北 武汉 430079
Study on trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services based on mechanical equilibrium model: A case of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Urban Agglomerations
LIANG Yu-qi1,2, WEI Xiao-jian1,2,3, JIANG Ping4, CAI Jin1,2, XIE Ming-rui1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Mine Environmental Monitoring and Improving around Poyang Lake of Ministry of Natural Resources, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China;
2. School of Surveying and Geoinformation Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China;
3. Jiangxi Province Engineering Research Center of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information, Nanchang 330025, China;
4. School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China

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