Abstract:Using the meteorological data, PM2.5 and component concentration data of Beijing from 2019 to 2021, combined with the NO2 concentration, the temporal and spatial changes of PM2.5 and component concentration, meteorological parameters, NO2 concentration and nitrogen oxidation rate (NOR) were analyzed and compared. The results showed that: (1) PM2.5 concentration in urban areas of Beijing decreased by 14% in the three years from 2019 to 2021, but NO3- rebounded by 12%; (2) Each wind was upward, and the order of PM2.5 concentration in urban areas of Beijing was: northeast wind> east wind> southwest wind> southeast wind> south wind> west wind> north wind > northwest wind, in addition, the highest concentration of secondary inorganic salt components appeared in the easterly wind direction, and the highest concentration of organic matter (OM) appeared in the southwest wind; (3) In terms of interannual changes in various wind directions, from 2019 to 2021, the concentration of PM2.5, components and NO2 in Beijing showed the characteristics of high concentration "eastward shift" in space, and NO3- rebounded the highest upward in the northeast wind, reaching 65.7%; (4) The north, northeast and southeast winds were upward, and the relative humidity increases synchronously, and NOR increased synchronously in the northeast and east winds, with an increase of 70%, so it was believed that the rebound of NO3- in the northeast wind in Beijing was related to the eastward shift of precursor concentration and the increase of relative humidity in the northeast wind.
陈晨, 李云婷, 常淼, 景宽, 孙峰, 郭元喜, 董欣, 孙瑞雯, 沈秀娥, 刘保献. 2019~2021年北京市PM2.5及组分受风向影响研究[J]. 中国环境科学, 2023, 43(12): 6261-6269.
CHEN Chen, LI Yun-ting, CHANG Miao, JING Kuan, SUN Feng, GUO Yuan-xi, DONG Xin, SUN Rui-wen, SHEN Xiu-e, LIU Bao-xian. The influence of PM2.5 and component concentration on wind direction in Beijing from 2019 to 2021. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(12): 6261-6269.
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