Effects of foliar sprays on the uptake and transport of cadmium by rice
TANG Le-bin1, HUANG Yan-ling1, ZHOU Zi-han1, WU Chen-run1, SONG Bo1,2
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China; 2. Collaborative Innovation Center for Water Pollution Control and Water Safety in Karst Area, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China
Abstract:For the safe production of rice in Cd-contaminated farmland, the field experiment was conducted by using Wuyou 1179 and Sixiang 1 as experiment varieties. Foliar spraying of silicon (Si) and selenium (Se) were sprayed at the heading stage and filling stage of rice growth to study their effects on rice yield, agronomic traits, Cd content of brown rice and Cd absorption and transport in different parts. The results showed that: Compared with the blank, the rice yield of Wuyou 1179 and Sixiang 1increased by 9.02% and 2.03% after spraying fluid silicon, respectively. The yield of Wuyou 1179 increased by 7.27% after spraying chelated Se, while the rice yield of Sixiang 1decreased by 5.40%. The length of flag leaves of Sixiang 1 under different treatments was greater than that of Wuyou 1179, and the plant height range was 110~112cm. Foliar spraying of fluid Si could reduce the Cd content of brown rice in Wuyou 1179 and Sixiang 1 to 0.181mg/kg and 0.186mg/kg. Furthermore, the Cd content of brown rice in Sixiang 1after chelated Se spraying could reach 0.169mg/kg, while the Cd content of brown rice in Wuyou 1179reduced from 0.487mg/kg to 0.202mg/kg, which does not meet the national safety standard (0.2mg/kg). After spraying fluid Si, the order of Cd content in different parts of the two rice was root>other nodes>the first nodes>other leaves>flag leaves>chaffs>rachises>brown rice, and the change of Cd content in different parts after chelated Se was mainly manifested in rachises>chaffs. Exogenous spraying of fluid silicon and chelated selenium significantly reduced the Cd content (P<0.05) in both rice varieties, significantly decreased the Cd content in roots, stems and brown rice, and inhibited TFrachises/flag leaves. Compared with fluid Si spraying, the Cd content of rachises and TFrachises/flag leaves increased after chelated Se spraying, while the TFchaffs/rachises decreased significantly. The correlation analysis results showed that the Cd content of brown rice was significantly positively correlated with the Cd content of roots and stems (P<0.01) and negatively correlated with the Cd content of other leaves (P<0.05). This study proves that fluid Si is not only beneficial to increase rice yield, but also reduce the Cd content of brown rice, and the economic cost is relatively poor. It is recommended to promote the utilization of Cd pollution safe farmland in this region.
唐乐斌, 黄燕玲, 周子寒, 吴辰润, 宋波. 叶面阻隔对水稻吸收和转运镉的影响[J]. 中国环境科学, 2024, 44(3): 1534-1541.
TANG Le-bin, HUANG Yan-ling, ZHOU Zi-han, WU Chen-run, SONG Bo. Effects of foliar sprays on the uptake and transport of cadmium by rice. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2024, 44(3): 1534-1541.
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