Effect of ozone and PM2.5 on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease deaths and the effect modification by the air temperature
ZHOU Ji1,2, FU Shi-hua2, PENG Li1, YANG Dan-dan1, YANG Si-xu1, ZHOU Yi3, XU Jian-ming1, YE Xiao-fang1
1. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Meteorology and Health, Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, Shanghai 200030, China; 2. Institute of Occupational Health and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China; 3. Shanghai Pudong New Area Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 200136, China
Abstract:Generalized additive models were used to evaluate the effects of ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Pudong, Shanghai from 2008 to 2017 on the excess risk (ER) and years of life lost (YLL) of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) deaths. The results showed that: (1) Ozone pollution was extensively serious during April to June, PM2.5 pollution was concentrated in December, January, and February; Ozone concentration increased and PM2.5 decreased slightly in the past 10 years. (2) Under the maximum lag effect, for every 10μg/m3 increase in ozone, ER and YLL were 1.34% (95% confidence interval, 95%CI: 0.57%~2.12%) and 54.98 (95%CI: 16.36~106.41) person-years respectively, and each 10μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 were 2.66% (95%CI: 1.54%~3.79%) and 130.92 (95%CI: 42.47~274.28) person-years, respectively. (3) Ozone leads to an increase of COPD deaths in males and people <85y, and PM2.5 leads to an increase of COPD deaths in females and people 385y. (4) The risk of ozone-related COPD death is higher in the warm season and the risk of PM2.5-related COPD death is higher in the cold season. In conclusion, the effects of COPD deaths caused by ozone and PM2.5 may vary by temperature level.
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ZHOU Ji, FU Shi-hua, PENG Li, YANG Dan-dan, YANG Si-xu, ZHOU Yi, XU Jian-ming, YE Xiao-fang. Effect of ozone and PM2.5 on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease deaths and the effect modification by the air temperature. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(12): 5904-5911.
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