Effect of mountain-valley wind on PM2.5 concentrations in Yanqing Area
WU Jin1,2, LI Chen3, MA Zhi-qiang1, MA Xiao-hui1, SUN Zhao-bin4, HAN Ting-ting1, ZHU Xiao-wan1
1. Environmental Meteorology Forecast Center of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Beijing 100089, China; 2. Shangdianzi National Atmosphere Background Station, Beijing 101507, China; 3. Beijing Meteorological Service Center, Beijing 100089, China; 4. Institute of Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100089, China
Abstract:Based on the environmental monitoring data and meteorological data of Beijing from 2015 to 2019, this study analyzed the impact of mountain-valley wind on PM2.5 concentrations in Yanqing and revealed the separateness, the similarities and the differences between (the event 1) initial stage of air pollution event with mountain-valley wind and (the event 2) non-mountain-valley wind and its meteorological mechanism. The result showed that persistent pollution concentrated in September to March of the next year with a total of 63 times, of which 27 times (43%) were accompanied by one or more mountain-valley days and 82% mountain-valley days appeared in the initial stage of the pollution event and 18% appeared in the peak stage. The hourly PM2.5 concentrations in mountain-valley days (the event 1) were higher than those in non-mountain-valley days (the event 2) by 4.5~15.4μg/m3. The maximum diurnal difference was in the stage of valley wind, which was greater than 13μg/m3 from 15:00 to 19:00. The wind frequency center of SSE-ESE was 0.59% with the wind speed about 3.3m/s from 15:00 to 16:00. The wind frequency centers of non-mountain-valley wind days were WSW-SW and SE-ESE with the maximum value of 0.41% and the wind speed was smaller than that of mountain-valley days. In the initial stage of both events 1 and 2, the critical period of PM2.5 concentration change was from 15:00 to 19:00. The wind direction of event 1 was E-SSE and the wind speed was 2~4m/s. In the event 1, the growth rate of PM2.5 was greater than that of event 2, which was basically consistent with the trend of dew point temperature change. The PM2.5 concentration of event 1was significantly higher than that of event 2. The meteorological mechanism can be so summarized: the mountain-valley wind circulation appears in the initial stage of the pollution event, then in the later stage, the southeast wind in the valley from the regional transport of aerosol and water vapor, which have a positive contribution to the increase of PM2.5 concentration. This special type of air pollution events accounted for 20% in the Beijing plain (outside of Yanqing aera and the wind orientation centers were scattered in the daytime with NNW-WNW, SW-SSW and ENE-NNE about 0.7% and S-ESE orientation.
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WU Jin, LI Chen, MA Zhi-qiang, MA Xiao-hui, SUN Zhao-bin, HAN Ting-ting, ZHU Xiao-wan. Effect of mountain-valley wind on PM2.5 concentrations in Yanqing Area. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(1): 61-67.
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