Abstract:The Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) was used to conduct the emission test on a port tugboat under variable sailing operating conditions. Emission characteristics under different operating conditions were studied, including the transient characteristics of CO, THC and NOx, distribution characteristics of particle size, and the emission factors of main engine. The results showed that the particle size of the tugboat main-engine presented a single-peak or double-peak distribution under daily sailing conditions and different engine loads. The first peak of particle size was between 30 and 40nm, while the second peak was 191.1nm. Based on fuel consumption, the emission factors of CO and THC were significantly higher under the entry-and-return condition than other operating conditions; the emission factors of NOx, PM and PN were higher under departure-and-return condition than other operating conditions. Based on distance, the emission factors of pollutants under topping operation were higher than other operating conditions. Based on power, the emission factors of CO and THC were the highest under topping operation condition (4.10 and 1.20g/(kW·h) respectively); the emission factors of NOx, PM, and PN were the highest under the reverse-towing operating condition, with 10.28g/(kW·h), 0.28g/(kW·h) and 13.97×1014 units/(kW·h) respectively.
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