Abstract:In order to attain the remote On-board Diagnostics (OBD) fuel consumption data based on the electronic control unit (ECU) at the vehicle real driving conditions and analyze the accuracy of the carbon emission results and its influencing factors, the real driving emissions tests were conducted on 3heavy-duty diesel vehicles equipped with the remote OBD monitoring equipment and the Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS). There were some differences between the CO2 emission flow rate converted based on ECU fuel consumption rate and the CO2 emission flow rate measured by PEMS, and the average deviation was 2.06%. At the same time, the accuracy of the key influencing factors on ECU fuel consumption calculation (ECU fuel consumption and ECU driving distance) was analyzed. The deviation of ECU fuel consumption was within 3%, and the average deviation of driving distance given by ECU was 2.41%. The accuracy of ECU fuel consumption and driving distance was affected by vehicle speed, acceleration and the dynamics of the entire trip. The accuracy was relatively lower at low vehicle speed conditions.
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