Research on the dissolved organic matter of Hydrilla verticillata's leaf and stem decomposition
YAO Jia1,2, YANG Fei2, ZHANG Yi-min2, ZHU Yue-ming2, GAO Yue-xiang2, YIN Jie1,2, DU Cong1,2, BA Cui-cui1,2, LI Ding-long1
1. School of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China;
2. Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Nanjing 210042, China
The characteristics of DOM in the decomposed process of Hydrilla verticillata's leaf and stem were studied by the combination of three-demensional fluorescence spectrum (3DEEM) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) with parallel analysis (PARAFAC). And the effect mechanism of aquatic plants decomposition on the water was further revealed. The results showed that the leaf decomposed quicker than the stem and released more TN and TP. Drying treatment of stem and leaf slowed the release of their TN (P<0.05) while it had no obvious influence on the TP (P>0.05). One protein-like component C1 and two components (C2 and C3) in the leaf, two protein-like components (C1 and C3) and two humic-like components (C2 and C4) in the stem were identified by PARAFAC. In the beginning of decomposition (0~40d), the protein-like substances were dominant and the ratio of it in leaf and stem was 1:1.5, and the content of DO in water was low, but the concentration of DOC and NH3-N rised. During 40~60d, both components were present. At the end of decomposition (60~90d), the humic-like acids had a high proportion, the ratio of content in leaf and stem was 1:1, and the value of CDC, TN and PO4-P increased, DOM in the decomposed process of submerged plants may affect the value of DO and pH in water.
姚佳, 杨飞, 张毅敏, 朱月明, 高月香, 尹杰, 杜聪, 巴翠翠, 李定龙. 黑藻叶、茎腐解释放溶解性有机物的特性[J]. 中国环境科学, 2017, 37(11): 4294-4303.
YAO Jia, YANG Fei, ZHANG Yi-min, ZHU Yue-ming, GAO Yue-xiang, YIN Jie, DU Cong, BA Cui-cui, LI Ding-long. Research on the dissolved organic matter of Hydrilla verticillata's leaf and stem decomposition. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2017, 37(11): 4294-4303.
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