Characteristics of the combination between colloids and dissolved organic matter in urban surface runoff
LIU Dian-wei1, DU Xiao-li1,2, FU Xiao-yu1, CUI Shen-shen1, DAI Xin-yi1
1. Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwater System and Water Environment, Ministry of Education, School of Environment and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China; 2. Beijing Energy Conservation & Sustainable Urban and Rural Development Provincial and Ministry Co-construction Collaboration Innovation Center, Beijing 100044, China
Abstract:To characterize the combination between colloids and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in urban runoff, the adsorption behaviors of both colloids and DOM under different pH conditions were examined to reveal its mechanisms. The results showed that the Langmuir model described the isothermal sorption of DOM by runoff colloids at different pH values better, and the maximum sorption capacity decreased gradually with an increase in pH. The maximum equilibrium adsorption capacity at pH 3 was 4.0 times more than that at pH 6. The absolute value of zeta potential of runoff colloids increased after adsorption with DOM and then the runoff colloids became more stable and easier to migrate. HoA and HoN are two main fractions in the runoff DOM and account for 35.0% and 24.3% of the total DOC concentration, respectively, and can be combined with runoff colloids most easily, implying that the DOM fractions with high molecular weight are more likely combined with runoff colloids. The combination between runoff colloids and DOM can be achieved through hydroxyl substitution, surface complexation and electrostatic attraction.
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LIU Dian-wei, DU Xiao-li, FU Xiao-yu, CUI Shen-shen, DAI Xin-yi. Characteristics of the combination between colloids and dissolved organic matter in urban surface runoff. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(8): 3690-3695.
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