Biodegrading activity and community structure of microbial consortium SWA1acclimatized on chloroalkene
ZHAO Tian-tao1,2, XING Zhi-lin1,2, ZHANG Li-jie1, XIANG Jin-xin1, HE Zhi1, YANG Xu1, GAO Yan-hui1,2
1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China; 2. Faculty of Urban Construction and Environment Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
Abstract:In this study, the tolerance of microbial consortium SWA1which was screened from landfill cover soil and good at degrading trichloroethylene (TCE) to chloroalkenes was evaluated. The maximum tolerated concentration of SWA1for t-1,2-dichloroethene (t-1,2-DCE), TCE and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) were 580, 250 and 500mg/L, respectively, which was significantly higher than that published. The biodegradation of chloroalkenes by SWA1was further studied. The results showed that chloroalkenes could be efficiently removed by SWA1and over 90% of t-1,2-DCE were removed in microbial consortium SWA1at mid-stationary phase. The dynamic composition structure and diversity of SWA1were determined by MiSeq sequencing. The results indicated that there were significant differences in community structure of SWA1acclimatized by different chloroalkenes. Correlation analysis showed that the dominant bacteria Methylophilus with abundance of 17.4%~26.6% and Methylomonas with abundance of 31.7%~62.2% were closely related methane oxidation and co-metabolic biodegradation of t-1, 2-DCE, respectively. Similarly, the dominant bacteria Methylophilus with abundance of 26.9%~46.3% and Methylocystaceae with abundance of 1.7%~33.4% were responsible for methane oxidation and co-metabolic biodegradation of TCE. Overall, Network analysis revealed that quorum sensing improved the oxidative activity of SWA1.
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