The strengthening effect of a static magnetic field on biotrickling filter-Study on trichloroethylene removal and bacterial community
QUAN Yue1,2, WU Hao2, YIN Zhen-hao3, GUO Chun-yu2, YIN Cheng-ri2,3
1. Department of Environmental Science, Agricultural College, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, China; 2. Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, China; 3. Analytical and Testing Center, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, China
Abstract:A laboratory-scale biotrickling filter combined with a magnetic field (MF-BTF) and a single BTF (S-BTF) packed with laver rocks were set up to treat trichloroethylene (TCE) gas through inoculation of activated sludge.The influences of different MF intensities were investigated and high-throughput sequencing was studied to bacteria community and functions.The results showed that in aerobic conditions,with 0.20g/L of phenol,53.6 to 337.1mg/m3 of TCE,and empty bed residence times (EBRT) of 202.5s,the performances followed the order MF-BTF (60.0mT) > MF-BTF (30.0mT) > S-BTF (0.0mT) > MF-BTF (130.0mT),and the removal efficiencies (REs) and maximum elimination capacities (ECs) corresponded to:92.2%~45.5%,2656.8mg/(m3×h);89.8%~37.2%,2169.1mg/(m3×h);89.8%~29.8%,1967.7mg/(m3×h);76.0%~20.8%,1697.1mg/(m3×h),respectively.High-throughput sequencing indicated that the bacterial diversity was lower,whereas the relative abundances of predominant bacteria:Proteobacteria,Gammaproteobacteria,Acinetobacter were higher in MF-BTF (60.0mT:73.3%,36.8%,34.7%) than that in S-BTF (0mT:69.6%,18.2%,10.9%).Results confirmed that a proper MF could improve TCE removal performance in BTF.
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QUAN Yue, WU Hao, YIN Zhen-hao, GUO Chun-yu, YIN Cheng-ri. The strengthening effect of a static magnetic field on biotrickling filter-Study on trichloroethylene removal and bacterial community. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2018, 38(3): 1099-1108.
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