Abstract:An efficient iron bacterium used to degrade nitrobenzene (NB) was isolated from the biological sponge iron system domesticated through NB simulated wastewater. The strain was identified as Arthrobacte sp. The suitable growing conditions, as well as the degradation effect and mechanism in sponge iron system with strain Y-9, were carried out by the contrast experiments. Results indicated that strain Y-9 grew well when the initial concentration of NB was 200mg/L, and the optimal conditions for the biodegradation of NB by strain Y-9 were at 25~40℃ and pH 6~8. Besides, in contrast with the normal sponge irons system and the sponge irons system involved in ordinary activated sludge, the degradation rate of NB in biological sponge irons system at the present of strain Y-9 increased by 88.6% and 32.2%, respectively. The concentration of Fe2+, H2O2, and ·OH in the biological sponge iron system, especially the system inoculated with strain Y-9, were significantly higher than that of normal sponge iron system, thus, it could promote Fenton-like effect. Quantitative analysis of the degradation products revealed that strain Y-9 followed the partial reductive degradation pathway of NB. The research revealed the mechanism of Fenton-like effect in a biological sponge iron system, and it also provided a new way to treat NB wastewater effectively.
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