Acute toxicity test of Eisenia foetida and Zebrafish was carried out, the toxicity data of mortality, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were obtained. The BMD method was used to derive the safety threshold of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and cadmium (Cd) for different organisms under single and combined exposure conditions. The results showed that there were significant dose-effect relationships between the exposure doses of TBBPA, Cd and the mortality, SOD and CAT indicators in the experimental dose range of this study. CAT and SOD indicators were most sensitive to single exposure, and the safety thresholds of TBBPA for Eisenia fetida and Zebrafish were 0.95, 0.44mg/L, Cd were 71.17, 0.42mg/L, respectively. The safety threshold of combined exposure was less than single exposure. The safety threshold of TBBPA for Eisenia fetida and Zebrafish were 0.33, 0.024mg/L, and Cd were 6.45, 0.176mg/L, respectively.
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