Ecological effects of stabilization treatment of As contaminated soils on three remediation plants
ZHAO Shu-hua1, ZHANG Tai-ping2, CHEN Zhi-liang3, PAN Wei-bin2, LUO Fei1
1. Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Science, Shenzhen 518001, China;
2. College of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;
3. South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Guangzhou 510655, China
In order to explore a mining area with high concentration of arsenic contaminated soil pollution control and ecological restoration, the fly ash, dried sludge, crushed peanut shells, ferrous sulfate (Fe2SO4) and potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) were chosen and combined as stabilizers for stabilization of the contaminated soil, and Pteris vittata L., Vetiveria zizanioides L., Boehmeria nivea L. were used as test plants. The stabilization treatment on the shape transformation of As and its ecological effect on the repair plant were studied. The results showed that after added different stabilizers combined treatment, the pH value, organic matter, cation exchange capacity of the soil increased significantly, with an increase of 24.4%~29.0%、23.3%~41.1%、17.8%~45.0%, respectively. The combination treatment of 10% fly ash, 10% dried sludge and 1% Fe2SO4 had the best stabilization effect to the As, and the concentration of exchangeable and carbonate bound As decreased most significantly, by 62.3% and 55.3%; The addition of KH2PO4 could activate As in the soil, 10% fly ash, 10% dry sludge and 1% KH2PO4 combined treatment could significantly increase the contents of exchangeable and carbonate bound As, with an increase of 26.9% and 101.9% respectively. The combined treatment of different stabilizers could improve three kinds of plant biomass, affect the enrichment of As, and increase the accumulation of As in plants. The biomass of the three plants was Boehmeria nivea > Pteris vittata > Vetiveria zizanioides. The combined treatment of fly ash, dried sludge and crushed peanut shell increased the dry weight of above-ground biomass of Pteris vittata and Boehmeria nivea most significantly, while the combined treatment of fly ash, dried sludge, crushed peanut shell, Fe2SO4 and KH2PO4 increased the dry weight of above-ground biomass of Vetiveria zizanioides most significantly. The addition of 10% fly ash, 10% dried sludge and 1% Fe2SO4 could reduce the above-ground content of As in Pteris vittata, Vetiveria zizanioides and Boehmeria nivea, the largest decline of 45.5%, 29.5% and 53.9% respectively. While added 10% fly ash, 10% dried sludge and 1% KH2PO4 made the above-ground content of As increased significantly in the three plants, with an increase of 12.8%, 25.2% and 62.7% respectively. Compared with the control, fly ash, dried sludge, crushed peanut shells, Fe2SO4 and KH2PO4 combination treatment made Pteris vittata, Vetiveria zizanioides and Boehmeria nivea above-ground accumulation of As reaches the maximum value, increased by 3.7times, 12.8times and 3.3times. The enrichment ability and accumulation amount of As in three plants were Pteris vittata > Vetiveria zizanioides>Boehmeria nivea.
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ZHAO Shu-hua, ZHANG Tai-ping, CHEN Zhi-liang, PAN Wei-bin, LUO Fei. Ecological effects of stabilization treatment of As contaminated soils on three remediation plants. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(9): 3925-3932.
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