Improvement of Cd-contaminated soil by Fe-Al modified diatomite combined with CaO
CI Kai-dong1,2, ZHU Jian1,2, YANG Yu-zhong1,2, SUN Zi-ling1,2, WANG Ping1,2, LIU Zi-xuan1,2, MA Chun-ya1,2, ZHANG Nan1, YAO Lu1, SUN Yu1
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China;
2. Hunan Engineering Laboratory for Control of Rice Quality and Safety, Changsha 410004, China
The artificially simulated Cd contaminated soil was used as the research object. The Fe-Al modified diatomite and CaO were used as raw materials to prepare the modifier. The soil-culture experiment was used to study the effect of Cd-contaminated soil was improved by adding the different ratios of Fe-Al modified diatomite and CaO. The results showed that by applying Fe-Al modified diatomite and CaO to Cd contaminated soil with different ratios, the Cd forms, pH value, CEC value, OM value, water content, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium all have positive effects. When the ratio of Fe-Al modified diatomite to CaO is 1:6, the soil exchangeable Cd content was reduced by 74.67% compared with the blank control, and compared with single application of Fe-Al modified diatomite and CaO, which decreased by 64.63% and 7.87%, respectively. The soil pH value increased by 0.45, the soil CEC increased by 69.78% and the available nitrogen and phosphorus increased by 28.57% and 70.85% respectively compared with the blank control. Fe-Al modified diatomite combined with CaO can effectively control soil Cd pollution and improve soil tillage performance.
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CI Kai-dong, ZHU Jian, YANG Yu-zhong, SUN Zi-ling, WANG Ping, LIU Zi-xuan, MA Chun-ya, ZHANG Nan, YAO Lu, SUN Yu. Improvement of Cd-contaminated soil by Fe-Al modified diatomite combined with CaO. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(9): 3905-3913.
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