Effects of HPO42- and H2PO4- on the aggregation of montmorillonite-humic colloidal particles
XU Ying-de1, WANG Jing-kuan1, LI Shuang-yi1, GAO Xiao-dan1,2
1. College of Land and Environment, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China;
2. College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
In order to investigate the effect of interfacial behaviors of HPO42- and H2PO4- on soil colloids aggregation, the aggregation kinetics of montmorillonite and humic colloids were monitored using a dynamic light scattering instrument. Results showed that the colloids aggregation in the HPO42- and H2PO4- systems transformed from slow aggregation (linear growth) to fast aggregation (power function growth) with increasing ionic strength of the electrolytes. In addition, the aggregation was more sensitive to the changes in ionic strength in H2PO4- system. Significant differences of the growth of effective particle size, total average aggregation (TAA) rate, critical coagulation ionic strength (CCIS), and activation energy were observed in colloids aggregation in the HPO42- and H2PO4- systems. Compared with aggregation in HPO42- system, aggregation in H2PO4- system has a higher TAA rate, lower CCIS and lower activation energy, indicating that H2PO4- has a stronger effect on initiating colloid aggregation. Besides, the CCIS of HPO42- was 2.43 times as that of H2PO4-. The difference of activation energies between the two systems increased with decreasing ionic strength, which might be caused by the ionic non-classical polarization in the strong external electric field. The addition of humic colloids significantly increased the CCIS and activation energy in HPO42- system, but not in H2PO4- system. The Hofmeister effects of HPO42- and H2PO4- on colloids aggregation followed the order of 96% montmorillonite+4% humic colloid >> 99% montmorillonite+1% humic colloid > 100% montmorillonite. These results indicated that there are strong Hofmeister effects of HPO42- and H2PO4- on the aggregation of montmorillonite-humic colloids, and the Hofmeister effects were directly dependent on the electric field strength near the surface of the colloids.
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