Fluorescence characteristics of DOM in Dongping Lake and its correlation with hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes
Lü Wei-wei1,3, YAO Xin1,2, REN Hao-yu1, DENG Huan-guang1, ZHANG Ying-hao1, ZHANG Bao-hua1
1. School of Environment and Planning, University of Liaocheng, Liaocheng 252000, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;
3. Institute of Water Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
The combined EEMs-PARAFAC model and hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes were applied to characterize the fluorescence characteristics and sources of DOM, the distribution of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes, and deuterium surplus. Four fluorescence components were identified in DOM, and the tyrosine-like component 1 dominated the DOM pool. The DOM was affected by autochthonous, exogenous and atmospheric precipitation at the same time, but mainly by autochthonous input. The proportion of atmospheric precipitation recharge was larger than that of Dawen River. The dissolved organic carbon input in atmospheric precipitation might have an important effect on the DOM in Dongping Lake, which need further systematic study. Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes were found to be significant correlated to dissolved organic carbon and humic-like fluorescence, which could indicate the changing trend of DOM to a certain extent.
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Lü Wei-wei, YAO Xin, REN Hao-yu, DENG Huan-guang, ZHANG Ying-hao, ZHANG Bao-hua. Fluorescence characteristics of DOM in Dongping Lake and its correlation with hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(1): 237-243.
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