Effect of chlorine on the volatilization of heavy metals by roasting iron tailings
HONG Yan-xiang1,2, NING Xun-an1,2, LU Xing-wen1,2, LI Yang1, LAI Xiao-jun1,2, ZENG Jun1, CHEN Chang-hong1
1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China; 2. Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis and Pollution Control, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis and Health Risk Control, Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control, Guangdong University of Technology Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract:A chlorination roasting method was used for separating heavy metalsfrom iron tailings. The influence of chloride (i.e. CaCl2, NaCl and AlCl3∙6H2O), content of chloride, and temperatures on the volatilization of heavy metals was studied. Experimental results showedthat when usingAlCl3∙6H2O as chloride, the volatilization ratios of heavy metals was lower than 30%, due to the prior decomposition of AlCl3∙6H2O at 135℃. With the addition of NaCl, the volatilization ratios of Pb, Zn, Cuachieved above 90%, but only 16.2% of Cr and30.0% of Ni were removed from tailings. The addition of CaCl2 exhibitedthe best volatilization effect compared to NaCl and AlCl3∙6H2O.The hazardous Pb, Zn and Cu were reduced significantly (97.5% of Pb, 99.0% of Zn, 93.3% of Cu) at 900℃, and the maximum volatilization of Ni and Cr was 31.9% and 49.5% at 1000℃. Moreover, the leaching experiment showed the leaching concentration of Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cu in roasted residue could meet the regulatory limit of leachate (GB16889-2008).
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HONG Yan-xiang, NING Xun-an, LU Xing-wen, LI Yang, LAI Xiao-jun, ZENG Jun, CHEN Chang-hong. Effect of chlorine on the volatilization of heavy metals by roasting iron tailings. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(5): 2276-2286.
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