Characteristics of metal elements in anammox granular sludge extracellular polymeric substances
YANG Ming-ming1,2, DANG Chao-jun2, ZHANG Ai-yu1, WANG Han3, ZHANG Xia-wu2, GUO Jing-song1, FANG Fang1
1. School of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China;
2. Yangtze Ecology and Environment Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430062, China;
3. College of Eco-Environmental Engineering, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang 550025, China
In order to explore the impacts of extracellular metal elements on anammox granular sludge, anammox granular sludge was divided into three groups based on its sizes (0.5~1.4mm,1.4~2.8mm and>2.8mm). Then, the extracellular polymeric substrances (EPS) of the anxmmox granular sludge were extracted. Results show that proteins (PN) accounted for more than 84.2% of the EPS content, showing that PN were the main components of EPS. The anammox granular sludge EPS mainly contained four metal elements, K, Na, Ca, and Mg. In addition, above four metals were arranged in a descending order based on their concentration. With the increase in particle size, more metals and PN were found in EPS. The ionic forms of K, Ca, and Mg in the EPS accounted for 68.6%, 56.2%, and 94.7%, respectively. When the EPS were treated with cation exchange resin, the Zeta potential of the EPS of the 0.5~1.4mm, 1.4~2.8mm, >2.8mm groups decreased by 4.7mV, 7.2mV, and 9.1mV, respectively. Furthermore, the metal ions in EPS could promote the aggregation of granular sludge by compressing the electric double layer, and the effect of metal ions was more significant on larger-size granular sludge in Zeta potential.
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