Effect of Ni2+ on the performance of aerobic granular sludge system
ZHANG Chun-hui1, LU Wen-jing1, SU Chang-luo2, QUAN Bing-xu1, LI Cai-xuan1, WANG Wen-qian1, SUN Gui-rong1, TANG Jia-wei1, TANG Yuan-hui1
1. School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China;
2. Shanxi Coal Industry Chemical Technology Research Institute, Xi¢an 710000, China
The impact of Ni2+ on the aerobic granular sludge (AGS) system was explored by inoculating the return sludge from A2/O process of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The mature AGS cultured at 25℃ for about 50 days had a morphology of sphere or ellipsoid with a small number of filamentous bacteria on the surface, and a particle size of 2~4mm. The AGS system keeps a mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS) of 6000mg/L and sludge volume index (SVI) at 40~50mL/g. Ni2+ in the concentration range of 0~2mg/L will improve the stability of AGS, increase MLSS, and decrease SVI. Meanwhile, the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in AGS increased with the addition of Ni2+and contained significantly more protein (PN) than polysaccharide (PS). The inhibition of Ni2+ on removal of total nitrogen (TN) by AGS was greater than that of chemical oxygen demand (COD). Finally, the removal rate of COD and TN could be maintained above 95% and 70%, respectively.
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ZHANG Chun-hui, LU Wen-jing, SU Chang-luo, QUAN Bing-xu, LI Cai-xuan, WANG Wen-qian, SUN Gui-rong, TANG Jia-wei, TANG Yuan-hui. Effect of Ni2+ on the performance of aerobic granular sludge system. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(11): 4721-4727.
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