Abstract:Chlorella vulgaris FACHB-25 was mutated by atmospheric and room temperature plasma under different power conditions. Three dominant strains were screened out under the power of 100W and 120W, and they were numbered S100-7, S120-4 and S120-9 in turn. Among them, the biomass of the S120-9 algae strain increased significantly at the end of the period, and the polysaccharide production was 1.34times that of the original algae strain, reaching 237.98mg/L; the carbohydrate content of S120-4 accounted for 37.55%, which was 43.48% higher than the original algae strain. The differences of photosynthetic performance, cell composition and cell morphology among different strains were compared. Through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF), the ethanol yield of S120-4 strain with the highest carbohydrate content reached 1.58g/10g, but its biomass accumulation was limited. Considering the biomass accumulation, the highest ethanol yield per unit volume of S120-9 was 0.1033g/L.
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