ZHOU Jia-min1,2, HUANG Ting-lin1,2, LIU Qian3, YANG Shang-ye1,2, KOU Li-qing1,2
1. Shannxi Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710000, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Northwest Water Resource, Ministry of Education, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710000, China; 3. Hanjiang-to-Weihe River Water Diversion Project Construction Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710010, China
Abstract:In order to reduce the nitrogen pollution load in micro-polluted reservoirs, a mixture of ferrite nitrate reduction bacteria was isolated from sediments of Lijiahe and Heihe reservoirs in Xi'an and named as Z13, which can remove nitrogen efficiently under low C/N conditions. Using nitrate nitrogen as the only nitrogen source and iron and acetic acid as the common electron donor, the metabolic characteristics of mixed bacteria Z13 with iron nitrate reduction on nitrogen, iron and organic matter were studied. The effects of different temperatures, initial pH, C/N, and Fe2+concentrations on the denitrification performance and ferrous oxidation of mixed bacteria Z13 were investigated. The results showed that under low C/N condition, the ferrous oxidizing nitrate-reducing mixed bacterial group Z13 had a nitrate nitrogen removal rate of 99.85%, a total nitrogen removal rate of 89.91%, a total removal rate of Fe2+ of 99.86%, and the oxidation rate was 82.70% at 78hours. And there was no accumulation of nitrite nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen. The single factor experiment showed that when the temperature was 30℃, pH 6.5,C/N 1.821, and the concentration of Fe2+ was 30mg/L, the reduction of mixed bacteria Z13 by ferrous nitrate had the best removal effect on ferrous oxidation and nitrogen. The mixed bacteria Z13 reduced by ferrous oxide nitrate had great application potential in the field of biological nitrogen removal in slightly polluted water.
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