Effects of dicyandiamide, hydroquinone and phosphorus additives on greenhouse gas emissions during composting
YANG Yan, LI Guo-xue, LUO Yi-ming, YANG Jia, YUAN Jing
Beijing Key Laboratory of Farmland Soil Pollution Prevention and Remediation, College of Resource and Environmental Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
Abstract:In order to reduce the emission of N2O, CH4 and NH3 simultaneously during composting, this study explored the effects of phosphogypsum (PG) and superphosphate (SP) on NH3 andgreenhouse gases emissions based on the dicyandiamide (DCD) and hydroquinone (HR) addition during pig manure composting. Pig manure and cornstalks were used and mixed as raw materials, and three treatments were carried out for 40days in the 60L composting vessel. In the HD treatment, DCD and HR were added; for the HD+P and HD+S treatment, the PG and SP were added together, separately, on the basis of DCD and HR addition. The results showed that the phosphorus additives amendment promoted the compost maturity and reduced carbon (7.58%~11.33%) and nitrogen losses (25.03%~33.42%) based on the addition of dicyandiamide and hydroquinone. The combined use of those additives could reduce NH3 emission by 15.21%~16.91% and CH4 emission by 23.75%~38.30%, while increased N2O emissions by 0.14%~20.57%. The phosphorus-containing additives could fix ammonium nitrogen and reduce NH3 emissions due to its lower pH and phosphoric acid. At the same time, the CH4 emissions was reduced by sulfuric acid ions through inhibiting the methanogens activity. In general, adding dicyandiamide, hydroquinone and phosphorus simultaneously decreased the total greenhouse emission of 7.60%~24.30%, and the HD+P treatment had the best performance in greenhouse gas emissions during composting.
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YANG Yan, LI Guo-xue, LUO Yi-ming, YANG Jia, YUAN Jing. Effects of dicyandiamide, hydroquinone and phosphorus additives on greenhouse gas emissions during composting. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(2): 936-944.
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