Abstract:This paper utilized the software TOUGH3/TMVOC to build a conceptual model of a typical contaminated site in North China, and simulated the transport and distribution of Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) in layered low-permeability strata. In addition, simulation scenarios under diffident conditions were set up to understand the effect of the permeability in the medium to efficiency of multi-phase extraction (MPE). VOCs mainly occurred in form of non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL), and the maximum saturation of NAPL was located in the aquifer underneath the leakage position. When the maximum depth of extraction well was -8.75m, VOCs in NAPL phase could be effectively removed, which occupied the maximum mass fraction in the medium, and the total organic matter removal rate reached 89.8%. Besides, multi-phase extraction wells promoted the desorption of adsorption phase VOCs, and reduced the content of adsorbed VOCs in the medium effectively. After a period of extraction, the contents of residual VOCs in liquid and adsorption phase increased, which could become a potential secondary pollution source to groundwater. With the decreasing of the permeability in layered medium, the efficiency of MPE was reduced, and the residual VOCs in NAPL phase were difficult to extract in low permeability layer, which resulted in the decreasing of total organic removal rates.
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