Measurement of emission fluxes of total non-methane alkanes from refineries using solar occultation flux remote sensing technique
LI Ling-bo1, GONG Chao2, CHENG Meng-ting1, LI Long1, LIU Xin-yu1
1. SINOPEC Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Dalian 116045, China; 2. SINOPEC Anqing Petrochemical Company, Anqing 246002, China
Abstract:The emission fluxes (kg/h) and distributions of total non-methane alkanes from seven major refineries (in which six refineries were processing crude oil more than ten million tons per year) in China were quantified during May 2014 and December 2015 and in October 2021 using the Solar Occultation Flux (SOF) method. At each refinery site, 18~73measurement transects were performed during three to eight individual measurement days. In total, 328measurements of total non-methane alkane emission flux were performed for the seven refineries. Total VOC emissions were estimated from the measured total non-methane alkane emissions based on the average mass fraction of non-methane alkanes in total volatile organic compounds (VOC) measured in VOC emission plumes of several refineries in China. Total non-methane alkanes and VOC emission factors were calculated by scaling measured emissions of total non-methane alkanes and estimated emissions of VOCs with crude oil processing rates during the measurement period. The monitoring results indicate that the measured total non-methane alkanes emission factors ranged from 0.016% to 0.11% for the seven studied refineries and were 0.081% on average. The estimated VOC emission factors for the seven studied refineries ranged from 0.020% to 0.14%, with an average value of 0.10% during 2014 and 2015. Fugitive emissions accounted for more than 70% of total non-methane alkane emissions from refineries, and light oil tanks contributed more than 50% of fugitive non-methane alkane emissions. The results were compared to SOF measurements at six refineries in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) in 2015, and the lowest level of total non-methane alkane emission factors in the seven refineries in China measured during 2014 and 2015 was the same as that for all six refineries in SCAQMD. However, the average level of total non-methane alkane emission factors of the seven refineries in China was 3.9times higher than that of the six refineries in SCAQMD, and there was a higher variability in total non-methane alkane emission factors among the seven refineries in China. The emission flux and emission factor of non-methane alkanes monitored in a major Chinese refinery in 2021 showed a reduction by 72.4% and 74.2% respectively compared with 2015. SOF could be developed as the best available technique for monitoring and quantifying fugitive and diffuse VOC emissions from petroleum and petrochemical industrial sites, and for revising VOC emission inventories. This study has provided a baseline of measured emissions of total non-methane alkanes and VOCs from typical refineries in the initial stage of VOC emissions control actions implemented in China in 2015, and VOCs control effectiveness of a major refinery after 6 years.
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LI Ling-bo, GONG Chao, CHENG Meng-ting, LI Long, LIU Xin-yu. Measurement of emission fluxes of total non-methane alkanes from refineries using solar occultation flux remote sensing technique. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(7): 3046-3057.
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