Molecular simulation of NH4+ adsorption by kaolinite with different water content under temperature and pressure
YANG You-wei1,3, WANG You-lin2, LUO Yu-xia1, LIU Xin-qi1, GUO Chang-sheng3, CHEN Ming1, WANG Chun-ying1
1. Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Mining and Metallurgy Environmental Pollution Control, Ganzhou 341000, China; 2. China South Rare Earth Group Co. LTD, Ganzhou 341000, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
Abstract:In order to study the microscopic situation of NH4+ adsorption by kaolinite, kaolinite models with different hydration degrees of 4×2×1 were constructed after the convergence test of kaolinite monocytes by Material Studio software. The theoretical calculation and adsorption experiment of the model cell were carried out by using the methods of quantum mechanics and classical mechanics. The results showed that the stable structure model of kaolinite is obtained (error < 2%) under the conditions of exchange correlation functional GGA-PW91, K point 4×3×2 and truncation energy 600eV. The adsorption of NH4+ by kaolinite was obviously affected by temperature. With the increase of temperature, the adsorption capacity decreases gradually, which was consistent with the experimental results. The kinetic results showed that the adsorption type was mainly physical adsorption, and the adsorption forces were Van der Waals force and Coulomb force. The research results were helpful to supplement the research on the kaolinite properties and have a guiding role in the control of ammonia nitrogen pollution in soil of rare earth mines.
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YANG You-wei, WANG You-lin, LUO Yu-xia, LIU Xin-qi, GUO Chang-sheng, CHEN Ming, WANG Chun-ying. Molecular simulation of NH4+ adsorption by kaolinite with different water content under temperature and pressure. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(8): 3720-3727.
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