The extraction of protein from surplus sludge catalyzed by thermophilic Bacillus terrestris hydrolysis
DING Ya-ting1,2, ZHONG Wei-zhang1,2, QIN Xue1,2, NING Zhi-fang1,2, LI Yue1,2, CHEN Sai-nan1,2
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China; 2. Biotechnology Laboratory of Pollution Prevention and Control of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050018, China
Abstract:For optimizing the processing conditions to realizing the harmless treatment and resource utilization of excess sludge, the thermophilic bacteria (Bacillus terrestris), which can produce extracellular enzymes such as protease and amylase, were selected from the high-temperature compost substrate and used to extract sludge nitrogen source in this study. Then effects of reaction time, sludge solid content and inoculum amount of crude enzyme solution of thermophilic bacteria on protein extraction were evaluated to determine the optimum reaction conditions. The results show that effects of various factors on protein recovery during hydrolysis were in the order of inoculation amount > time> solid content; and the optimal processing conditions included pH=7, T=60℃, t=8h, and solid content of 4% under which we observed thermophilic bacteria inoculation rate of 20%, protein extraction rate of 32.05%, amino acid content of 359.6mg/L, and polypeptide content of 1060.1mg/L, and that the sludge supernatant particle size decreased gradually with the reaction.
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